
Showing posts from 2019

The Brexit Party phenomena

The Brexit Party knock-out   The performance exhibited by this newly formed party is staggering but the simultaneous rise of the LibDem and Green vote suggests that this success was largely based on discontent and was in fact an expression of rage at being ignored. Even now with the facts shouting loud for all to hear, the Labour Party is in blinkered fashion and planning to push for more referenda and the MSM  pundits are adding 2 and 2 and coming up short: ignoring for example that one of the most vigorous leave movements was Labour's very own Labour Leave group.  Well it looks like we're in for another display of political ostritus with even major players still refusing to accept mere mortals wishes. After all 17.4 million of us are illiterate know-nothings who were misled by a number on the side of a bus! The gall of the suedo intelligentsia believing that their knowledge of rocket science is better than ours - politics is not rocket science - and so almost eve...

The Red Cell

The Red Cell is a site well worth looking at for its broad reaching political research. So we have added a link to the "Interesting Sites" panel to the right of this page. One article by Adrian Hill, frowns on the establishment's recruiting methods and explains in part how our government and governing civil service seem to be in such mess: it's good reading.

Climate meanderings

Populism and cultism in climate discussions The world's climate religion Scientists seldom agree on any specific thing, unless it can be proved experimentally or in some areas by calculation but most would agree with the statement, 'the world's climate has changed periodically and irregularly over its life to date'. However, when we get to the last hundred years or so, suddenly every one has an opinion and climate is now in the hands of the two religious bodies, namely, the 'Warmists' and the 'Deniers' .  'Warmists', covers those scientists and non scientists that believe    the apparent temperature change since the 1900's is due to human intervention, whilst those termed 'Deniers' disagree. BOTH GROUPS ARE GRIPPED BY A RELIGIOUS FERVOUR Since Al Gore bombasted the the media with his notorious 'hockey stick graph' and created carbon trading; carbon dioxide suddenly became the villain, (since this is not a ...

The Slog's version of our PM's recent actions

Unconstitutional activity on a massive scale   This 3 part analysis of the Brexit saga is too long to print here but worthy of your consideration, so please use the link and give full credit to the Slog's author, John Ward.

English Democrats claim we're OUT!

Courtesy of the Independence Daily News On 2 nd  April the English Democrats, the English nationalist political party, issued a  judicial review  claiming  the Prime Minister could not lawfully agree to an extension to the period before the United   Kingdom could leave the European Union  under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union.   The Court is asked to declare that, because she had no such power, the UK automatically left the EU on 29 th  March – the original ‘exit day’, two years after notification was made. This challenge was to the extension offered by the EU on 27.3.2019 and accepted by the PM on 28 th  March  not  to the additional extension the PM claimed to agree to today (11 th  April). There is a link below to the Submissions filed in support of the challenge.  The Government is expected to reply by 17 th  April. The English Democrats’ case is that the PM has no statutor...


THIS MAKES FOR TRAUMATIC READING BECAUSE THE AUTHOR IS A CREDIBLE MP - ITS GETTING NEAR THE FAN NOW! Reproduced courtesy of Independence Daily News: "How the Treasury sabotaged Brexit and lied to us taxpayers - a closer look at the article by Owen Paterson MP in today’s Telegraph. - Independence Daily Owen Paterson’s article in today’s DT (paywalled link) was written after the Treasury announced that government planning for No deal would be wound up, having spent £ 4.2 billion on it. The title: “Abandoning no-deal planning proves Brexit was a stitch-up all along” shows that he’ll not mince words. Also, this is not one of those articles written by hopeful contenders (or pretenders) for Ms May’s job. Owen Paterson has not made any noises to that effect. Moreover, he has considerable experience of the workings of Whitehall and the EU as former NI Sec of State and Sec of State at Defra. Here are his observations relating to that latest Treasury stunt – as alway...

Stuart Agnew MEP wrote this

Brexit Party - Strange behaviour UKIP's Stuart Agnew MEP said this today:- "On Wednesday 10th April I attended a “Conference of Presidents” meeting in Brussels. This comprises the Leaders of the eight political Groups plus the President of the Parliament. I was deputising for the Leader of the ENF Group. The only agenda item was Theresa Mays visit later that day to beg for an extension to Article 50. None of the leaders was against an extension, but to my astonishment Nigel Farage said he wanted an extension. He justified this by saying words to the effect that he wanted to parade his new MEP candidates. Campaigning for Brexit has now become the end in itself. A WTO Brexit on 12th April would have shot the huntsman’s fox. Stuart Agnew MEP" WHAT'S THE BREXIT PARTY UP TO - I'M AFRAID THEY'LL JUST DIVIDE THE VOTE A LITTLE BIT MORE.

More un-democratic behaviour from some of our MP's


Climate change - Aswan Dam versus CO2

     CO2 NOT THE MAIN CAUSE OF CLIMATE CHANGE? Much has been said about climate change and how much is due to us and our penchant for pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. However a scientist named Conor McMenemie, has produced a thesis that points a major finger at the Aswan Dam. The root cause being the reduction in seasonal water in the Nile delta and corresponding reduction in evaporation into cloud cover, that then travels West and over the Equatorial seas off of West Africa. This reduction in cloud cover then allows the sun to heat the sea in that area more than before. The explanations and proofs of evidence in the attached booklet are persuasive and it warrants reading if you are interested in climate and its engines.   Nile Climate Engine

The WTO future for the UK

Courtesy of Here is the tariff policy the Government should announce for 29th March  Published in 19th February's issue of BrexitCentral Written by Tony Lane , a former Head of International Trade Policy at the Department of Trade and Industry, sets out the tariff policy he believes the Government should be preparing to publish imminently and then pursue on Brexit. More attention is needed to be given the tariff policy Britain must adopt on leaving the EU on 29th March. It now looks likely that this will have to be without a withdrawal agreement. However, this has the advantage that Britain can shape its tariff policy from day one. This is a responsibility that British governments have been able to avoid during the period of EU membership. Now they are regaining that responsibility, they must seize it promptly. Before the end of March, the Government should publish a White Paper explaining that: It...

An inside view of the hijab

Courtesy of the Spectator   I was forced to wear a hijab. It wasn’t liberating | The Spectator     Soutiam Goodarzi It was World Hijab Day earlier this month. You probably missed it, but you can imagine the idea: ‘global citizens’ of all faiths and backgrounds were asked to cover their heads for a day ‘in solidarity with Muslim women worldwide’. It is done in ‘recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty’. Wearing a hijab is not such an abstract cause for me: I used to wear one a few years ago when I was at school in Iran. And in the spirit of solidarity, I’d like to tell you a bit more about the world I left behind when I moved to Britain in 2011 when I was nine years old. I was six when I was first made to wear the hijab to school. When I was eight, I was forced to wear the hijab while walking around Arak, my hometown in no...

Brexit More Sabotage

James Delingpole in Independence Daily News reports on another blow to Brexiteers Theresa May and her Remainer civil servants secretly sabotaged an offer made by the EU Council President Donald Tusk of a free trade deal exit from the EU because all they ever really wanted was Brexit In Name Only. Of the many things I’ve heard about the Establishment’s outrageous scheming to scupper Brexit this is by far the most damning – and it deserves much wider coverage. It was Martin Durkin (director of Brexit: the Movie) who drew my attention to it. Steve Baker MP is a member of the (ardently pro-Brexit) European Research Group. He was also – till he resigned in protest at Mrs May’s handling of the Brexit negotiations – a minister in the government’s Department for Exiting the European Union (DEXU). Baker made his revelation at the end of last month while appearing before an MP committee, in which he criticised the “governing class” for its deliberate attempts to th...

EU and Encryption

The EU's Europol and Eurojust have recently published their findings wrt communication and data encryption. It makes interesting reading when judging the effort against the need involved.   The link below takes you to a full copy of the report:

The Malthouse Compromise

An extract of an article courtesy of 'Brexit Central', that is informative and for the first time explains how the Withdrawal Agreement can be achieved without rupturing the UK's bid for freedom from the EU To read the full article please use the link below The structure of the compromise is to offer the EU a choice of two plans:  Plan A is predicated on achieving agreement on a WA that addresses the  principal weakness of the current version, the perpetual character of the  Irish backstop, and its consequences for the Future Relationship between  the UK and the EU. Plan B assumes that agreement on a WA is not possible  and that both sides accept a responsibility to act so as to minimise as far as  possible the disruption that might arise to people and businesses in the EU  and the UK. Both Plan A and Plan B involve the UK’s ceasing to be a Member State of the  EU according to the t...

Steve Baker MP lifts the lid on deliberate anti-Brexit Cabinet machinations

Betrayal by our government laid bare This interview of Mr Baker in committee is outstanding stuff and clearly shows how our Prime Minister and Cabinet have from the referendum onward have deliberately designed mechanisms to keep the UK under EU control, a defacto betrayal of the Leave voting public. He also comments on media bias and 'fear' news from our institutions. It a 'long watch/listen' but very worthwhile. European Scrutiny Committee Wednesday 30 January 2019

New parliamentary system needed

Our current parliament is not performing democratic duties The Brexit shambles has highlighted a basic fault with our system of governance. Nominally a Representative Parliamentary Democracy, our system seems to be missing the 'democracy'. Shamefully, whatever path was chosen in the Brexit referendum, our leaders have ignored the will of the voting public. In the case of the 'Brexit Referendum', parliament deemed that it should be the people of the UK who decided, Leave or Remain: in essence abrogating their responsibility to govern. So dutifully, we did vote and in this case the Leave vote won and by a majority that would have caused no objection  had it been a vote for a political party in a general election. Now we are being governed by disaffected MP's who didn't want a Referendum and a very vocal 'losing' public who will do anything to have their way, (Remain). What comes next?  Firstly, measures should be taken to stop Prime Ministers from ...

The final betrayal of Brexit?

LEAKED RECORDING OF PHILIP HAMMOND OUR CHANCELLOR SELLING OUT BREXIT! Full report read first on Independence Daily “A recording of the call, passed to The Daily Telegraph, recounts how the Chancellor, Greg Clark, the Business Secretary, and Stephen Barclay, the Brexit Secretary, spent nearly an hour talking to the leaders of 330 leading firms. They included the heads of Siemens, Amazon, Scottish Power, Tesco and BP, all of whom warned against no deal. The disclosure reveals the close nature of the relationship between the Treasury and some of Britain’s biggest businesses, and how they appear to be working in tandem to block a hard Brexit.  […]  Mr Hammond assured the business leaders that the Government would stop spending money on no-deal preparations “as soon as we know we are not going th...