New parliamentary system needed
Our current parliament is not performing democratic duties The Brexit shambles has highlighted a basic fault with our system of governance. Nominally a Representative Parliamentary Democracy, our system seems to be missing the 'democracy'. Shamefully, whatever path was chosen in the Brexit referendum, our leaders have ignored the will of the voting public. In the case of the 'Brexit Referendum', parliament deemed that it should be the people of the UK who decided, Leave or Remain: in essence abrogating their responsibility to govern. So dutifully, we did vote and in this case the Leave vote won and by a majority that would have caused no objection had it been a vote for a political party in a general election. Now we are being governed by disaffected MP's who didn't want a Referendum and a very vocal 'losing' public who will do anything to have their way, (Remain). What comes next? Firstly, measures should be taken to stop Prime Ministers from ...