Immigration on Housing
“Why mass immigration explains the housing crisis” : if UKIP had written this there would be an explosion of rage amongst the ostriches! “By Lionel Shriver - Spectator It’s the one reason for this worsening problem that blinkered liberals choose to ignore Ever since Theresa May’s clarion address of the UK’s housing shortage (and how many successive PMs have embarked on the same brave heave-ho?) countless comment pieces have addressed the real problem that drives the disjunction between supply and demand. Nimbyism. Complex, protracted planning permission. Developer land banking. Rich Chinese and Russians investing in unoccupied properties as three-dimensional bank accounts. Excessive protection of green belts. Second homeowners. Empty properties the state should confiscate. The catastrophic sell-off of social housing. A wilful confusion about what the word ‘affordable’ means. Yet when two statistics are out of whack, it behoves us to look at them both. All the abo...