Indian identity system – Aadhaar In the biggest democracy in the world Indians are being forced register with the new biometric identification system the Aadhaar and to link their Aadhaar number to; government-issued account numbers, bank accounts, credit cards, insurance policies, mutual funds, pension plans, social welfare benefits such as cooking gas subsidies, LPG connection card, PAN Card, voter ID card, ration card and mobile phone numbers. Many utility providers are now insisting that the consumer must have an Aadhaar number or they will not start/continue to supply, due to actual or implied pressure from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). A private consortium developed the Aadhaar and in 2016 was converted into a statutory body attached to the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and called the (UIDAI). Similar to the American Social Security Number (SSN), the Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identification number, the difference...