
The Seven Deadly Sins in the draft Withdrawal Agreement

SOME REASONS WHY WE SHOULD NEVER ACCEPT THERESA MAY'S 'DEAL' UNLESS IT'S SANITISED FIRST!   SEVEN DEADLY WITHDRAWAL SINS Theresa May has made many unsupported claims about the EU’s Withdrawal Agreement. This article shows that the Agreement contradicts at least seven of her assertions. In reality, the WA binds the UK indefinitely to the EU in a subordinate position, and removes its parliamentary and legal sovereignty in an unprecedented attack on our democratic rights. Theresa May’s draft Withdrawal Agreement conceals within its prescriptive EU prose provisions that would suspend parliamentary democracy over a vital range of laws and policies indefinitely. This can be explained by a point-by-point examination of what the Prime Minister claims the Withdrawal Agreement does compared with what it actually says. 1. The PM says we will leave the Customs Union and be able to diverge from EU regulations. The...

World Trade Organisation; what frightens the EU?

THE EU AND THE WTO The EU acceded to the WTO or GATT as it was then in 1995 and has been trading with the rest of the World (164 countries plus their overseas territories) on WTO rules ever since. So what is so frightening about the UK trading on these rules? IT WOULD GIVE THE UK AN ADVANTAGE OVER THE EU AND ITS MEMBER STATES!  164 countries all trade with each other on WTO rules and prosper, many significantly more so than some individual EU member states. SO THERE IT IS, THE EU COMMISSION ET AL ARE DESPERATE TO STOP THEIR REMAINING MEMBERS FROM SEEING THE UK PROSPER OUTSIDE OF THE EU GROUP

Much denied EU Army development

15 PAGE MILITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PESCO (PERMANENT STRUCTURED COOPERATION) Over the years the EU has progressed towards developing its own army, air-force and navy, whilst denying the ambition to grow a fully integrated military force. Back in November of last year the EU published a training and development plan, (see link below), which must have taken years to negotiate and prepare..........the EU Army is emerging......... BUT the EU is not one country, did I hear you say? Well it soon will be the European Republic, if its ambitions are not thwarted by those member states, who wish to retain some semblance of identity and sovereignty!

EU Control of the UK built into the Withdrawal Agreement

THE JOINT COMMITTEE In Annex viii on page 560 of the Withdrawal Agreement are details of the "Joint Committee" that will effectively govern the UK and its activities with respect to the 'agreement'. It will be co-chaired by a representative of the European Commission and will be held alternately in Brussels and London. HOW IS THIS BREXIT? This committee does not have to comprise elected parliamentarians so once again our fate can be determined by un-elected civil servants under this agreement.

The 'Deal' or EU Lock

TRIPLE LOCK INTO THE EU? Apparently leaked by a concerned civil servant, is information that leads to the conclusion, that Theresa May’s ‘deal’ includes a triple lock combination of clauses, that would stop the UK from leaving the EU ever and crucially remove our ‘input’ to EU laws and leave us controlled by a committee of unelected people, set up by unelected people: at the same time stopping us from negotiating trade agreements with other nations unless pre-agreed by the EU. There have been enough explanations of the so called TM deal now, to ensure that any thinking person must question why the agreement was drawn up in such a form. The alleged designer, Olly Robbins, a staunch remainer, clearly set out to lock the UK firmly to the EU but under such poor terms, that in short order we would be forced to plead to re-join. SO IF OUR PARLIAMENTARIANS, WHO CEDED THE CHOICE OF 'IN OR OUT' TO OUR POPULACE, GENUINELY BELIEVE IN DEMOCRACY, THEN THIS ‘DEAL’ MUST BE THR...

The EU is shutting us out!

Just what else have the EU told us to get lost over We now know that the Galileo project that we have contributed £1.39 billion into has been withdrawn from us. Despite the government fighting for the military to have access to the highly encrypted parts of the system which have largely been developed here in the UK.  We cannot get any benefit from this system, as we have been frozen out by the EU, unless of course we pay a great deal more money to access the system when it is operational in 2020. This satellite system provides a navigation system for defence and critical national infrastructure purposes. The system would have also supported mobile phones and sat nav systems. It is to be launched in 2020 and no timeline has been given as to when Britain will have a similar system operational.  Theresa May has said we will build our own, the cost of which is estimated to be between £3-5 Billion. This new system will have to be compatible with GPS used by the USA in order ...

The folly of Labour's socialism

I saw a tweet whilst browsing twitter the other day and it struck me that it was a throw away statement that actually, when, you dig deep, could have far reaching ramifications for a large industrial town in the North West. I was intrigued (some would say I need to get a life) about what this tweet could mean. I therefore decided to investigate. A theme began to emerge supported by a second tweet I saw later that day. The Labour party have without doubt moved to the far left of their raison d`etre of center left socialism established by their most successful Premier Tony Blair. Their manifesto is, to an awful lot of people simply frightening. Promises to borrow many hundreds of billions of pounds for a free giveaway extravaganza together with serious tax hikes is enough to cause anyone a sleepless night or two. But what about local levels? I have no connections whatsoever to St Helens in the North West. A large industrial town known for glass production, it is like many others s...