Climate meanderings
Populism and cultism in climate discussions The world's climate religion Scientists seldom agree on any specific thing, unless it can be proved experimentally or in some areas by calculation but most would agree with the statement, 'the world's climate has changed periodically and irregularly over its life to date'. However, when we get to the last hundred years or so, suddenly every one has an opinion and climate is now in the hands of the two religious bodies, namely, the 'Warmists' and the 'Deniers' . 'Warmists', covers those scientists and non scientists that believe the apparent temperature change since the 1900's is due to human intervention, whilst those termed 'Deniers' disagree. BOTH GROUPS ARE GRIPPED BY A RELIGIOUS FERVOUR Since Al Gore bombasted the the media with his notorious 'hockey stick graph' and created carbon trading; carbon dioxide suddenly became the villain, (since this is not a ...