F ollowing my post on propaganda I thought this was a classic example of what I meant. When the Braveheart film came out it was reported/misreported that polls rightly or wrongly had indicated a swing of Scottish Nationalism to the SNP. The comment from Mr Hall and the slight correction from Mr Christian, courtesy of Quora says it all. Content from Philip Brian Hall and Ed Christian: "I can tell you what one English resident of Scotland thinks of Sir William Wallace, since I was inspired by the alleged biopic to write him the following letter: Dear William, Let me reassure you no historically-knowledgeable person ever took seriously your so-called biopic. We know that you did not wear a kilt, paint your face, shoot arrows, attack stockades or meet the Queen of England. In fact William, it was Sitting Bull, a more modern person than you, who did all of these (except wear a kilt.) Your name was not really Wallace either. It was le Walys. You were descended from a trave...