The government yesterday suffered its first defeat on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, with the House of Commons voting by 309 to 304 to support an amendment for parliament to have a “meaningful vote” on the UK-EU agreement.
Twelve Conservative MPs backed the amendment, tabled by former attorney general Dominic Grieve, which calls for parliament to vote on a deal before ministers can use delegated powers to begin implementing it.
This is probably phase two of the Brexit reversal campaign, financed and managed by the Remain dominated establishment. This ammendment has little to do with democracy but it will seriously jeopardise our chances of delivering any form of Brexit.
We are losing this fight and never imagined that our democratic votes would be threatened in such a way. We campaigned and voted to leave the European Union but the Remain establishment are creating the legal pretense to STOP this from happening.
The Remain dominated Houses are certainly going to vote to block the Brexit deal, regardless of what is negotiated with the Commission and Council. This is an existential threat to the future of UK democracy.
...and quoting from the Labour Leave team:
"Coordinated with Brussels, you can bet there will be a last minute intervention by the EU: ‘So your MPs rejected the deal, well if you like you could always just stay in the EU…’. This is the plan, make no mistake."
Watch now for the Blair move; the arch bandwagonista could well go into full Goebbels mode now.
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