Whilst reading Real Truth Magazine, a religeous based news commentary I was taken by something they printed recently.
"Around the globe, a daily tragedy is unfolding for the now 7.6 billion people living on Earth. World conditions are deteriorating significantly. With all of man’s creative ingenuity and intelligence, he cannot solve the most important problems—those that threaten his very existence. Educators have duped generations into believing the evolutionary lie. This has caused countless millions to believe mankind is continually evolving into a better and higher order of existence. Look around and you will see the fruits of this deception. Man is NOT evolving upward—he is DEGENERATING DOWNWARD, into ever new lows of indulgence, decadence and immorality.
Just one look at the daily news shows the depravity of the society around us. First think of the daily sex scandals toppling leading figures in the media, film industry, those in government and other swaths of American life. Then look at just a few headlines from recent days. Many, many more could have been included: “Smartphone Addiction Creates Imbalance in Brain”—“More than half of children obese by age 35…”—“Muslim population in Europe to triple by 2050…”—“University highlights 14 ways ‘whiteness’ oppresses society…”
Nothing can be understood or accomplished without proper KNOWLEDGE. Without right knowledge, man stands completely powerless—absolutely helpless—before his problems. Because man has rejected the SOURCE of right knowledge, all humanity is surrounded by, and engulfed by, terrible troubles."
Now I don't necessarily believe or follow their idea of "the SOURCE of right knowledge," but where do we turn to for real facts so we as reasonable people can use them to develop our own opinions? News Papers contain either someone else’s opinion or straight forward editorial mandate. The same applies to other media forms so where do we get facts from?
The fact checking agencies generally have been partly discredited, e.g. Snopes one of our leading fact checking organisations has employed at least one researcher who stood for political office in the USA. This information came from Forbes but do we trust them?
This Snopes type of indirect bias led me to a British organisation called Full Fact a registered charity and I took the liberty of including a link to them......but do we trust them?
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